FAQ about donor treatments
On this page, you can find links to different categories containing the most frequently asked questions about treatment with donor sperm and eggs. Hopefully, the answers can help you on your journey towards parenthood.
Donor treatments are complex, and the world of fertility can sometimes feel difficult and confusing to navigate. As the world’s largest sperm and egg bank, we know this and we want to help you on your journey by gathering all the frequently asked questions and answers on this page.
If you cannot find the answer to your question, always feel free to contact our Cryos Clinic.
Treatment with donor sperm
Find answers to questions regarding treatment with donor sperm at Cryos Clinic. The answers do not focus on each treatment type. Instead, they focus on the treatment course and what you should do at different crossroads during your fertility journey. If you want to read more about each treatment type, follow the links below:
Treatment with donor eggs
We offer two types of treatment with donor eggs: donor egg treatment and double donation. Similar to the questions about treatment with donor sperm, you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the course of donor egg treatment.
About donor eggs
Treatment with donor eggs is a complex area with regulations and demands that differ from one country to another. In this section, we have gathered the most frequently asked questions about donor eggs, like the cost of treatment and why people use donor eggs.
Who can receive fertility treatment?
In recent years, more people have used fertility treatment to fulfil their dream of having a child. Some need treatment because of their relationship status or sexual orientation, while others need treatment because of problems with infertility. Follow the link to our section containing the most frequently asked questions about who can receive fertility treatment.
Pregnancy achieved from fertility treatment
Are you in the middle of your treatment and want answers regarding pregnancy achieved from fertility treatment? Follow the link to our most frequently asked questions about the topic. You can find guides about early signs of pregnancy and when to test for pregnancy.